
Yes, workout.

When I say "Coder" most people have the same image in their mind -- lazy, out of shape, and glued to their computer screens. And unfortunately, this negative perception is often true. Coders are often seated for countless hours in front of their screens, disregarding their nutrition and overall physical health. It's time for a change.

The mind will only go as far as the body will allow it to.

We believe that physical activity is crucial when pushing one's mind to its limits (like trying to learn ML). Everyone already knows about the extensive benefits that physical activity provides, so when they choose not to do so it usually comes down to 1 of these two reasons -- they believe that they don't have enough time or that they don't know what they should be doing.

The myth of not having enough time usually branches from the fact that people believe that physical activity needs to be extensive gym sessions where they need to spend hours in the gym. In reality, 30 minutes of any sort of daily physical activity can do wonders to a large populous of coders. Having a consistent activity to combat their sedentary lifestyles is more than enough.

Then there are people who don't know where to start; this page is for that subset of coders. We'd like to share with you the workout plan we follow in order to get you started on your fitness journey and break the barriers that separate you from a more balanced lifestyle.

MondayChestIncline Dumbbell Press (4 x 8-10)
Pec Deck (4x8-10)
Cable Crossover (4 x 8-10 )
Bench Press -- Dumbbell or Barbell (3 x 8-10)
Dumbbell fly (3 x 8-10)
Dumbbell pullover (3 x 8-10)
TuesdayCardioActivities you may perform include any sport (badminton, basketball, volleyball, etc), running, or bicycling
WednesdayBack and BicepsPull ups (4 x 4-8)
Lat Pulldown (4 x 8-10)
Dumbbell Row (4 x 8-10)
Low Row (3 x 8-10)
Barbell Curls (3 x 8-10)
Alternating Hammer Curls (3 x 8-10 )
ThursdayLegsQuad Extensions (4 x 10)
Dumbbell RDLs superset with Leg Press (4 x 10)
Bulgarian Split Squats superset with Calf Raises (any kind) (4 x 8-10)
Stairmaster (10-15mins)
FridayShoulders and TricepsMilitary Press or Dumbbell Overhead Press (4 x 8-10)
Dumbbells Lateral Raises (4 x 8-10 )
Reverse Pec Deck (4 x 8-10)
Overhead Tricep Extension (3 x 8-10)
Dips superset with Straight bar Pushdowns (3 x 8-10)

Obviously, you must take the information on this page with the grain of salt. We are not licensed trainers or bodybuilders-- just a couple of coders with some experience working out. This workout plan was inspired by Jay Cutler's workout routine and is aimed at intensity and recovery. Speaking of which, a balanced diet is the foundation of any healthy lifestyle. There's no need to consume great amounts of proteins as one might think -- 65% of your diet should be carbs as they are what allow the body to fuel recovery.

All in all, we just want you to be balanced. You can only create the most value when your body is performing at its best. Don't let your body hold your mind back.