About Us

What is this blog about?

Tl;Dr: This blog tracks our journey through the world of Machine Learning en route to extensively understanding what Artificial Intelligence actually is

Although AI has opened countless possibilities in almost every area of life over the past few years, it's unfortunately shrouded in a fog of surface-level knowledge and complacency. Due to the daunting breadth of knowledge required to extensively understand AI, most people choose to look at the onion and simply learn its color. But we're here to do more. We're here to peel back the onion and really learn what's at its core. Getting by with surface-level knowledge might be enough for most people, but it is't for us. We're striving to create true value in the world and really make a difference.

Create Lots Of Value

Understanding that true value can only be made when deep knowledge meets immediate requirements, we decided to start with just that - domain expertise. Well, expertise might be a bit of a stretch. Expertise in any field, let alone Artificial Intelligence, requires decades of diligent and persistent practice and that's not what we're trying to do here. All we're trying to do is push our knowledge to the point where we can intuitively understand the shifts in the world of Artificial Intelligence, especially Large Language Models. That is, we want to know enough of the basis behind Artificial Intelligence that we can truly understand any breakthroughs or discoveries in LLMs or other areas.

The first step to learning Artificial Intelligence is, of course, Machine Learning. ML is the foundation upon which AI is built, so that's where we start.

The roadmap we're following in learning ML can be found in our Roadmap tab, but the mathematical foundation is composed of Linear Algebra, Probability (and Statistics since Statistics is applied Probability anyways), and Multivariate Calculus upon which we'll build our knowledge of Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and eventually, Natural Language Processing.

What systems do we have in place in order to stick to the roadmap?

We have weekly meetings where we review what we learned that week and set the goals for the upcoming week. These meetings force us to stick to the schedule and also help us understand the material by discussing it with each other. We also track daily progress in our discord and add them to the weekly blog. Speaking of which, we update the blog weekly to include our daily progress logs, weekly knowledge gained, and thoughts about the material as a whole.

Who are we?

Our names are Sai Gudisa and Abhay Srivatsa. We're college students trying to create value in the world, and hope you can learn something from our journey!