Progress Log

Just two curious CS majors with an appetite for knowledge. Follow our progress throughout our Machine Learning journey.

  1. Weeks 13 & 14: Moving past NLP into the real world

    March 3, 2024

    Finishing CS244N & ISLR and beginning our paper-reading & projects adventure.

  2. Weeks 11 & 12: Multi-head attention on ISLR and NLP

    February 18, 2024

    Keeping up with our daily ISLR readings and continuing our journey through the Stanford CS244N course.

  3. Week 10: Diving into NLP while fighting through Kaggle

    February 4, 2024

    In this week, we focus our attention on Stanford's NLP course and set forth on our own ambitious projects.

  4. Week 9: XGBoost theory & Advanced house price regression

    January 28, 2024

    More consistent ISLR reading and exploring gradient boosting methods.

  5. Week 8: Balancing Statistical Learning theory with hands-on Kaggle practice

    January 21, 2024

    In this week, we began reading the famous "bible" of ML: Introduction to Statistical Learning (with Python). We also practiced recommendation systems, K-means, and regression.

  6. Week 7: Wrapping up theory and shifting gears towards hands-on projects.

    January 14, 2024

    Finishing up Probability, CNNs & RNNs, and beginning new exciting projects.

  7. Week 6: Getting our feet wet with Computer Vision & NLP

    January 7, 2024

    Starting to bridge the gap between theory and real-world application.

  8. Week 5: Diving into the world of Neural Nets

    December 31, 2023

    Transitioning from classical ML to DNNs and ready for an exciting #Deep24

  9. Week 4: Classical ML with a taste of Neural Networks

    December 24, 2023

    Juggling Probability, Data Analysis, and exploring various ML models.

  10. Week 1-3: Linear Algebra, Calculus, and a sprinkle of Probability

    December 17, 2023

    Building a solid foundation for ML by learning its language - Mathematics